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September 26, 2011

“Jealousy is a tiger that tears not only its prey but also its own raging heart.”

i wonder what is the problem. i wonder why it is so difficult. i guess that’s how women in general work? no. i don’t think so. i have concluded it as insecurity leading to jealousy. sometimes things which doesn’t have a need to feel worked up about, gets too much of an attention and is blown over the top. people should just STOP bitching or rather to make it sound politically right, discussing their opinions  and get cracking with what is really required. knowing the other language has become more of a pain than an aid. i made a mistake and that too a grave one and i am paying for it now. big time. lessons learnt cause of  (some would say) inexperience, but i would say my own stupidity, believing that everyone is good. never ever am i gonna believe that someone is getting close to me cause they sincerely like me for who i was. never ever. a final full stop to all benefit of my doubts.

From → General

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